


soma breath blog

How To Make Your Dreams A Reality With Neurosomatic Programming – SOMA Breath

June 7, 2024

Back in 2017, in the tropical beaches of Thailand, a few friends would gather together and do Breathwork. The person … Read more

Third Eye Awakening Experience

October 30, 2019

In this article I want to share with you a third eye awakening technique that is being used in schools … Read more

What Happens When We Breathe? The Bohr Effect Explained

October 30, 2019

When you breathe in, you inhale oxygen (O₂) (and other molecules and gases), when you breathe out, you exhale carbon … Read more

How Does Oxidative Stress Affect the Body?

October 30, 2019

Too much oxygen as a result of over-breathing leads to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is like a rusting of your … Read more

Kapalbhati Pranayama: Detoxifying Breathwork

October 29, 2019

Kapalbhati Pranayama is a conscious breathing exercise that can detoxify the body and clear nasal congestion. The Sanskrit word Kapalbhati … Read more

SOMA Breath’s Incredible Music Secrets Revealed!

October 28, 2019

One of the key elements to SOMA Breath is our incredible music. I am a professional musician, and I was … Read more

Yoga Nidra Meditation for Manifesting Your Intentions

October 28, 2019

Relax, get better sleep and make dreams a reality? Sing me up! Not getting enough rejuvenating sleep? Do you want … Read more

The Importance of Gratitude

October 28, 2019

Every time you express gratitude, you have the perfect opportunity to trigger a mental and emotional state that lasts the … Read more

Breath Is The Key To Access Your Inner Pharmacy

October 28, 2019

Did you know that you can access your inner pharmacy on demand? Until recently, we were absolutely certain that the … Read more

soma breath blog

Clear Negative Imprints and Societal Conditioning

October 27, 2019

Everything we believe, all of the values that we project onto the world, and all of the actions that we … Read more

soma breath blog

One Breathing Exercise for Full Body Healing

October 27, 2019

In our quest for optimal health and longevity, we often tend to overlook a simple yet powerful tool: our breath. … Read more

Biohack Your Brain For a Long and Healthy Life

October 23, 2019

When my father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, I became motivated to find a cure for this nasty condition. Anyone … Read more

Cerebrospinal Fluid, Breathwork, and Brain Health

October 22, 2019
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Cerebrospinal fluid plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. We can voluntarily regulate the flow of cerebrospinal … Read more


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