


soma breath blog

How To Make Your Dreams A Reality With Neurosomatic Programming – SOMA Breath

June 7, 2024

Back in 2017, in the tropical beaches of Thailand, a few friends would gather together and do Breathwork. The person … Read more

soma breath blog

Breathe less to live longer – Benefits of slow breathing and how to do it (Scientific evidence)

January 29, 2020

SOMA Breath is designed to help you live longer, healthier and happier. To achieve this, you need to learn to … Read more

soma breath blog

Overcoming addiction with SOMA Breath

January 27, 2020

I’ve been a cannabis addict for the last 30 years and after doing your 21 Days Awakening,  I’m away from … Read more

soma breath blog

Why I Love My Life

January 5, 2020

Why Marisa Peer Loves This Song – I Love My Life Positive News Stories – The World Is Actually Getting … Read more

soma breath blog

Santa’s Magic Mushroom And The Secret Of The Flying Reindeer

December 24, 2019

Did you know both the origin of Santa Claus and Yoga have this one bizzare thing in common? Mushrooms! Not … Read more

Breathing Exercise For Better Sleep

November 12, 2019

I think we’ve all experienced the desire for better sleep at some point in our lives! Those nights when your … Read more

How Is SOMA Breath Different To Other Breathwork Modalities?

November 5, 2019

A lot of people ask the difference between SOMA Breath and other breathwork techniques. I will answer this question for … Read more

Ecstatic Dance: Substance Free Partying!

November 5, 2019

Ecstatic Dance is an opportunity for like-minded people to dance like nobody’s watching! There are no moves to follow, and … Read more

10 Surprising Facts About How The Brain Works

November 4, 2019

One of the things that surprises me time and time again is how we think our brains work and how … Read more

Using Psychedelic Plant Medicines in Your Life

November 4, 2019
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Our first post in this series on psychedelic plant medicines looked at some of the most powerful and interesting trippy healing substances … Read more

The Pharmacology of Psychedelic Plant Medicines

November 4, 2019

The world is full of natural remedies that can treat physical conditions – plants with anti-inflammatory properties, roots that fight … Read more

Transforming Your Breath

October 30, 2019

In our 24/7 culture this is the easiest part of a healthy lifestyle to skip. However, there is an overwhelming … Read more

Evidence For The Paranormal and Supernatural

October 30, 2019

Do you ever question your spiritual gifts? Or that manifesting can’t possibly be real? Do you have a hard time … Read more


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